Grow Your Business With These Accessible Marketing Strategies

Fuel your brand and take your business to next level with these marketing strategies.

Grow Your Business With
These Accessible Marketing Strategies

You’ve done well to grow your business thus far through good old-fashioned word of mouth advertising. However, if you really want your business to take off, it may be time to invest some of those profits back into marketing.

Feeling intimidated by the thought of developing a marketing strategy for your small business? You’re not alone. Many business owners in your situation choose to work with a marketing professional so they can enjoy the boost in business without having to carve time out of their already hectic schedules. Even if you’re thinking about hiring a marketing team to help you get more customers, though, you should have a basic understanding of some of the more effective and accessible small-business marketing strategies being used today.
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If your small business isn’t already using SEO, you could be missing out on customers. Specifically, SEO refers to strategies used to boost your ranking on the search engine results page (SERP) when your target audience searches for keywords related to your business. The higher you rank, the more likely it is that a potential customer will stumble across your business as they search for the products and/or services that you have to offer. That’s because about 90% of the time, customers don’t look past the first page of results on Google or other search engines.
So, what strategies can you (or your marketing team) employ to improve your SEO?

Keyword Research

Focusing on keywords is one of the best things you can do. This means taking the time to research the keywords that your target audience is most often using and then using those keywords in your website content, metadata, title tags, and more.

Strategic Backlinks

Backlinks are another important component of a successful SEO strategy. Incorporating links from reputable and authoritative websites into your own content can boost your page rankings. The same applies when another respected source links back to one of your pages.

One of the best parts about SEO for small business owners is that these strategies don't cost a thing to implement—other than a bit of your time. Still, if you're feeling overwhelmed or confused by any of these strategies, turning to a marketing professional may be your best bet.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Another small business marketing strategy that can pay off big time is search engine marketing. Like SEO, SEM focuses on getting your business website on the top of the SERPs. However, whereas SEO utilizes strategies to improve your page rankings organically, SEM involves the use of paid ads.
All major search engines, including Google and Bing, offer their own ad platforms where businesses can “bid” on specific keywords. These are keywords that their target audience is most likely to be researching as they shop online. Once a keyword is selected for the campaign, the business also bids on the price they’re willing to pay for each time the ad is clicked on.

In this sense, SEM is a very low-risk marketing option for small businesses. Because you only pay each time your ad is clicked, you’re more-or-less only paying if your campaign is successful. And even if your ad doesn’t see many clicks, you can consider it as free advertising of sorts because your business name is still getting out there.

Making the Most of Your SEM Budget

One of the challenges of SEM, however, is that it is not uncommon for competing businesses to bid on the same keywords at the same time. When this happens, the ad doesn’t automatically go to the business with the highest “bid.” Instead, a metric known as a site’s Quality Score comes into play. This score is generated based on the quality and relevance of a site’s landing pages and the estimated click-through rate of the ad itself.
There’s a lot that goes into optimizing a site’s Quality Score and SEM research, so having a marketing professional to handle this on your behalf can save you a lot of time and hassle while making the most of your SEM budget.

Content Marketing

A solid content marketing strategy can really help your business take off. These days, customers tend to gravitate more towards useful and engaging content than “traditional” ads. This isn’t to say that there isn’t a place for paid ads in a successful marketing strategy—but small businesses can benefit greatly from a combination of paid ads and quality content marketing.

What does content marketing look like, anyway? Some common examples include:

The Key to Successful Content Marketing

Of course, you might be thinking, “I don’t know the first thing about creating a podcast! And I’m not much of a writer; how am I supposed to keep up with a blog?”

Again, this is where your marketing team can come in and really save the day. An experienced marketing professional will have the knowledge and resources at his or her disposal to brainstorm unique and compelling content ideas that your target audience will love. 

This all begins with a solid understanding of who your audience is and the types of content they respond to best. From there, it’s also important to research potential topics and make sure they haven’t already been done. Customers these days thrive on unique and shareable content—so getting readers to share your content on their social media pages is an excellent way to boost brand awareness, get more customers, and even establish your business as an authority within the industry.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing isn’t very far removed from content marketing; in fact, the two are often quite intertwined. After all, your company’s social media page is a great place to share your latest published content, including blogs, videos, and infographics. However, an excellent social media marketing strategy goes far beyond content sharing and allows you to engage with your customers (and potential customers) in a meaningful and public way.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

There are many ways in which your business can benefit from a social media marketing strategy. For starters, social media is free; you never have to pay to open or maintain an account on a social media platform (though there are paid advertising options on most platforms). In this sense, you don’t necessarily have to spend a dime to use social media to your company’s benefit.

Social media also allows you to connect to your target audience in a very genuine way, humanizing your brand and delivering the personalized attention that today’s customers expect when they engage with a small business.

Where to Begin With Social Media Marketing

If you don’t already have a dedicated social media marketing professional handling your pages, now is a good time to consider making that leap. Managing a growing company’s social media page can be a full-time job in itself, especially when it comes to responding to comments and messages in a timely manner. Combine this with all the work that goes into posting new content, engaging your followers with fun contests, and everything in between—and it’s easy to see why so many growing businesses leave this work up to the professionals.

Email Marketing

Looking for a way to grow business with a promising return on your investment? Don’t overlook email marketing! In fact, studies have shown that for every dollar a small business spends on email marketing, you can expect to bring in $42 or more in return.

Email Marketing Campaigns: What Works?

As you can probably imagine, though, there’s a lot that goes into creating and launching a successful email marketing campaign. Not only does this require a great deal of audience awareness and research, but a truly effective campaign must not only get the target customer to open the email—but to click through it and follow a call-to-action.

An experienced marketing team will be able to handle all of this and more when creating an email marketing campaign for your business. From choosing the right type of content to offering incentives and clear calls to action, the right strategy goes a long way.

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Thoughtful Website Design

Sometimes, some tweaks and upgrades to your small business website can make a huge difference in your growth. There are a few specific improvements you may want to focus on making to your site in order to improve your user experience, SEO rankings, and overall branding. Start by making sure your site is mobile-friendly; this means it can be seamlessly viewed across all devices. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you run the risk of being de-indexed by search engines like Google.
From a design standpoint, you’ll also want to be sure that your company’s contact information and product/service offerings are easy to find. A marketing team will be able to assist you with all of this and more, ensuring that your site is optimized for success.

Ready to Grow Your Business?

As you can see, there are plenty of marketing strategies that are accessible to businesses at all stages of growth. You don’t need to have a massive marketing budget to use these strategies to your company’s advantage. If you truly want to get the most out of your marketing dollars, though, consider hiring a professional marketing team to get a leg-up on the competition. 

Mighty Good Marketing is a digital marketing agency located in Flowery Branch, GA and serving the metro-Atlanta area. Get the most out of your marketing strategy by hiring a professional marketing agency like Mighty Good. Contact us today at 1-866-935-5699 or fill out our form to schedule a free consultation.

Why Choose Mighty Good Marketing?

Your business is unique; your marketing should promote the advantages of choosing your brand over others. We spend the time to learn what your company delivers and what makes your brand unique. Many other marketing companies deliver a one-size-fits-all marketing solution to a specific industry. They use the same messages for all their customers – customers that may, in fact, be your direct competitors. We deliver custom solutions for your business.